Join Brandon Lyons, iFIT coach and American Paralympic cyclist, on a journey that will stay with you
forever: follow him on his bike through 6 filmed sessions in Florida. In Cycling Without Limits, he’ll
share his story with you as he pedals alongside you through beautiful scenery.
An iFIT experience that will leave a lasting impression

Welcome to an iFIT series like no other, where you’ll learn more than just bike training techniques.
Brandon Lyons invites you to his native Florida to share a life-altering experience and the lessons he
learned from it. In 2014, while enjoying a successful career as a consultant, all it took was a simple
dive into shallow water to turn his life around. His T5 and T6 vertebrae were shattered, leaving the
lower part of his body paralyzed.
After the shock of the first few weeks, he bounced back and started to play sports again during his
rehabilitation, and in 2016 he discovered a new passion for cycling. His incredible journey led him to
join the cycling team of the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.
Better than anyone, your iFIT coach knows how to overcome obstacles to believe in yourself and
live your dreams. He tells you about his journey and gives you advice in an inspiring 6-part sports
An intense cardio workout on a bike in the heart of Florida

Put on your cycling gear and hop on your exercise bike to join Brandon Lyons and start the
adventure. These six 25- and 40-minute cardio sessions are a complete workout, set in the beautiful
Florida landscape:
- An unexpected event can happen at any time in life. Get to know Brandon Lyons and begin
to discover his story in a simple first circuit. - Hit the West Orange Trail in Winter Garden, Florida and work at a high intensity with power
intervals. Alternate between endurance pacing and pushes with an RPE of 7-8 (1-10
perceived exertion scale), encouraged by your trainer. - Brandon Lyons guides you through his hometown of Saint Augustine for a new endurance
course. - Push your limits with increasingly longer intervals of 7-8 RPE, ranging from 30 seconds to 2
minutes. - Work on your endurance on the Baldwin Rail Trail, an old railroad track well known to local
cyclists and hikers. - Get out of Jacksonville to explore the surrounding countryside and tackle an intense speed
play in the wilderness. Your iFIT coach will guide you using intervals ranging from 30 seconds
to 2 minutes for this final session.
An introductory journey: gaining mental strength and changing the way you look at the world

While working your heart and muscles, this series will help you strengthen your mind. Each session
focuses on an aspect of building resilience and mental strength:
- Making adjustments: By telling you what happened to him, Brandon Lyons instils in you the
idea that no matter what happens to you in your life, you can keep moving forward. - Stay positive: Having a positive mindset is the secret to not limiting yourself and living your
dreams. - Change your perspective: Brandon’s journey has taught him that seeing things from a
different perspective can really make a difference. What change in approach could alter your
perspective on the world and your practice? - Why do you do things? Find your purpose, the reason that will make you want to push
yourself and you’ll have no limits! Cycling is what transformed Brandon Lyons’ life. - Reinventing Yourself: Part 5 of the workout traces Brandon’s journey from the aftermath of
his accident to his rise to the Olympic level. - Accepting setbacks: Your coach’s final piece of advice is to learn to accept unexpected
events, even when they seem negative. They are opportunities to grow.
Learn to bounce back from adversity and adopt a positive mindset in all circumstances with this
exceptional iFIT series!
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