Fitness & Training, Prepare for an event

How to improve your time on a 5K: Training techniques and iFIT sets to try

Completing a 5K race (5000 metres) is within the reach of many athletes in a few weeks, which
makes this challenge very motivating. Once you’ve completed the challenge, you’ll want to do it
again, and then improve your time. Here are some tips on how to do this effectively and some ideas
for iFIT series to train in.

A diversified training plan

Workout technique schedule routine athlete

To break your 5K record, it’s best to incorporate a variety of exercises into your training plan:
● Practise high-intensity split running to be able to run faster for longer: the point is to
progressively push back your anaerobic threshold, i.e. the limit at which the body no longer
has enough oxygen to metabolise lactic acid, which generates losses in performance.
● Occasionally run shorter and longer races than 5K, e.g. 2 km and 10 km: this will improve
your maximum aerobic speed (MAS) and endurance.
● Strengthen your legs by running on an incline and doing bodyweight exercises: running on
flat ground will seem increasingly easy after these exercises.
● Try the fartlek: this fun exercise consists of varying speeds and durations done at will during
a given time, to work on speed, reactivity, endurance and to strengthen muscles and
● Incorporate sprints into your runs, e.g. 80 metres of sprinting every 5 minutes: this explosive
exercise builds physical and mental stamina, while improving stride efficiency. Also, ground
contact time is reduced, which is one of the keys to achieving better running times.

Tips for improving your 5K time

Athlete woman running optimal exercise

These tips should also save you precious minutes for your next 5K:
● Don’t forget the warm-up, for optimal physical and mental preparation for the race.
● Study the terrain: If you know the location of your next run, train by simulating real running
conditions by entering your route on the iFIT app. The real terrain data is transmitted to your
treadmill, which automatically tilts, thanks to the coupling between iFIT solutions and Google
● Do not start too fast, manage the beginning of the race well and distribute your efforts: run
in a negative split, with a more sustained pace in the second half of the race.
● Eat your last meal 2 to 4 hours before the race at the latest, so as not to be slowed down by

● Plan rest periods between sessions and remember to stretch to promote muscle recovery.

iFIT series to test you according to your objectives

running outside speed performance endurance

Go to the iFIT library, with useful series to help you improve your 5K time, sorted by objective:
● Achieving a time goal in 8 weeks: Runner’s World 5K workouts, 30 minute, 25 minute or 20
minute goal
● Gain confidence: Beginner 5K, improve your speed and endurance in 12 weeks
● Practice: Famous 5K, 10 of the world’s most famous courses to complete on your treadmill
● Improving both speed and endurance: Foundations of Running, with Knox Robinson
● Find your running pace: Perfect Pace, 10 flat courses filmed in incredible settings to find your
running pace
● Climbing: Hill Blaster, 6 uphill runs to strengthen your legs
● Going further: 5 Mile Challenge, 15 courses of 8 km with various gradients
● Move up a gear: Speed Training, 15 sessions to work on speed and agility
● Consolidate your basics: 5K Training John Peel, a special 5K training, divided into 2 series of
30 sessions, one filmed in Vietnam, the other in Romania
At your next 5K race, you should feel like you’re growing wings!

For more fitness and training tips check out our other articles.