Podcasts are the perfect format to find inspiration while you’re driving, running, cycling or doing other activities. Available at any time and on different platforms, these recorded episodes to stream or download fit any schedule. Here’s a selection of 9 podcasts to subscribe to so you can learn all about the links between training and performance, hear about the journeys of the greatest athletes, dream, reflect and, ultimately, become a better version of yourself! Whether it’s running, wellness, lifestyle or mental preparation, what content will fuel your sports practice today?
The 3 Best Podcasts on Fitness, Health and Nutrition

The Fitness Break
Offered by the founder of the website fitnessmith.com, a researcher in sports physiology and nutrition since 2011 and Instagrammer (@fitnessmith), the podcast The Fitness Break deals with various topics each week: sports nutrition, health, personal development, weight training, motivation and more.
- Link: https://www.fitnessmith.fr/podcast/
- Frequency of publication: 1 podcast every week
- Sample topic: Sport as a solution to modern living
Sauce Twins
Launched by the founders of Sacrifice Training, the Sauce Twins podcast seeks to inspire you to keep pushing yourself to achieve your goals!
- Link: https://smarturl.it/SauceTwins
- Frequency of publication: variable – 3 or 4 times per month
- Example of a topic: Should you criticise your kids when it comes to sports or just let them get on with it?
Just Fly Performance
The Just Fly Performance podcast examines all aspects of physical performance, focusing on technical issues, such as speed and power, and draws on the experience of guest experts (coaches, psychologists, athletes, etc.). The topics covered are in-depth and diverse, with many episodes linked to sports psychology and the latest scientific research.
- Link: https://www.just-fly-sports.com/category/podcast/
- Frequency of publication: 1 episode per week
- Example subject: Kyle Dobbs and David Grey on Mastering Rib Cage Dynamics for Powerful Running, Cutting, Mobility and Total Human Performance
3 Podcasts to Follow to Combine Running and Performance

Running On Om
A podcast created and hosted by Julia Hanlon, Running On Om focuses on women’s running, with many guest athletes telling their stories and positive and inspiring topics, such as gratitude. If there are no new releases lately, 259 episodes are already waiting for you, as this podcast launched in 2013 and is one of the pioneers of the genre!
- Link: https://runningonom.com/pod/
- Frequency of publication: on a break since December 2020
- Example subject: 259: Janet Cherobon-Bawcom on Perseverance and Positivity in Running
Strength Running
Often considered the number one podcast on running in the United States and awarded by the specialist press, Strength Running develops all areas that may be of interest to runners, both beginners and high-level runners: training, recovery, mental preparation, injury prevention, etc.
- Link: https://strengthrunning.com/podcast/
- Frequency of publication: several episodes each week
- Example subject: Dr Stacy Sims On Female Physiology and Training Differences Between the Sexes
In the Mind of a Rider
This podcast is certainly one of the most followed by French-speaking runners! Through nearly 80 episodes (for the moment) divided into 3 seasons, you will discover a host of topics ranging from the latest technological innovations dedicated to athletes to mental preparation for running.
- Link: https://danslateteduncoureur.fr/episodes/
- Frequency of publication: 1 episode per week
- Example subject: Optimising sports performance with science & data
3 Inspiring Podcasts About Top Athletes

Barthélémy Fendt meets top athletes to prove that their achievements are not as unattainable as they seem. These fascinating interviews deal with numerous subjects in a relaxed tone, all of which are peppered with concrete advice on how to progress in one’s sporting practice and follow in the footsteps of the greatest champions.
- Link: https://extraterrienpodcast.com/
- Frequency of publication: 1 episode per week
- Example subject: Alexandre Orlowski – From fighter pilot to world aerobatic champion
Raising Your Game
Lewis Hatchett addresses top athletes, and his advice can also inspire amateur athletes. How to deal with the pressure before competitions, how to behave with your teammates, how to find motivation and more. Dive into the world of professional athletes!
- Link: http://lewishatchett.com/podcast/
- Frequency of publication: 1 episode per week
- Example subject: The benefits of mindfulness for athletes
Athlete Maestro
Tola Ogunlewe, a coach and sports lawyer in Lagos, Nigeria, designed this podcast to motivate young athletes and help their parents support them in their early career. It is primarily aimed at professional athletes, but there are many topics that will teach you about how to conduct training and build winning strategies to achieve your goals!
- Link: https://athletemaestro.com/podcast/
- Frequency of publication: several episodes per week
- Example topic: Why You Need to Be Adaptable as an Athlete
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